
3d Print Design Flow Hive


created by father-son duo stuart and cedar anderson, the 'flow hive' is an innovative beehive that lets you harvest honey straight from the source without disturbing the bees. originally launched in 2015, the company has acquired over 75,000 customers worldwide – with a mission to drive sustainable sourcing of wood and cotton, social impact, and a reduced environmental footprint.

on sale for a few years already, the beginner's pack costs a little over $800, includes the beehive with a few accessories to get started, and can collect up to 21 kg of honey per year. the hive will have to be populated by a swarm that can be purchased from specialists. alternatively, users can wait patiently for a queen to take up residence in the beehive – but that's never a given.

'flow hive' lets you extract raw honey straight from the beehive
all images © flow hive

traditional beekeeping is messy, disruptive, and expensive. for one thing, it requires you to buy costly processing tools and get honey splattered everywhere. a few bees could die in the process as well. with 'flow hive', the andersons built an innovative shortcut to all that disruption.

'now you can simply turn a tap, sit back, and enjoy with your friends and family as you watch the honey pour directly out of your hive and into the jar. it's pure, raw honey that needs no further processing. there's no mess, no fuss and you don't need to buy any of that expensive processing equipment. and most importantly, it's gentle on the bees,' comments co-founder cedar anderson.

'flow hive' lets you extract raw honey straight from the beehive
flow hive was invented by father-son duo stuart and cedar anderson in australia


the mechanism behind the beehive is driven by a patented split-cell technology. partially formed honeycomb matrices, called 'flow frames', are placed in the hive where bees will start coating them in wax to complete the matrix. once the combs are completed, bees proceed to filling the cells with honey.

the honey becomes ready to extract when the frames are capped and full. at that point, beekeepers can simply turn a key to form channels inside the hive, allowing the golden liquid to flow directly out of a tap and into a jar. all the while, the bees go about their business undisturbed. to reset the frames, users turn the key back to its initial position, while the bees eliminate the wax capping and begin the process all over again.

another main advantage is the absence of honey processing; one can clearly taste the subtle variations in the flavor, color, and bouquet of the extracted liquid across seasons. 'the distinctive flavors in each jar of flow hive harvested honey will reflect your specific location and seasonality of the nectar flow in your environment',  shares the flow hive team.

'flow hive' lets you extract raw honey straight from the beehive
the beehive is driven by a patented split-cell technology

sustainable manufacturing and social impact

when producing the hives, the andersons adhere to a sustainable and environmentally friendly manufacturing process . this includes anethical wood sourcing policy, using organic cotton (free of pesticides, chemicals and synthetic fertilizers), and 100% recycled or FSC-certified packaging.

moreover, the company hopes to inspire and help grow the community of pollinators worldwide through its support programs for schools, organizations and charities, universities, and beekeeping clubs. 'flow is about more than harvesting honey in a gentle way – we're about creating community, educating on the importance of bees, and empowering beekeepers. bees are tiny environmental champions and we strive to follow in their footsteps by doing business in a regenerative, ethical and sustainable way', explain  the founders.

'flow hive' lets you extract raw honey straight from the beehive
20-year old frewoini and her 'flow hive'

project info:

name: flow hive

created: 2015

founders:stuart and cedar anderson

current number of users: 75,000+

capacity: up to 21 kg per year

3d Print Design Flow Hive


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